The WEMC empowers members by providing, tools, expertise, and support allowing them to make informed decisions to build sustainable, profitable, and innovative businesses.
The WEMC is concerned about how our business community can learn the facts, put in place best practices, and take the necessary actions to fight Covid and Crime. Our businesses owners and employees, especially small businesses have suffered monumental set-backs but remain resilent.
The focus is on long term economic recovery and future development of the West End business district. The program is designed to provide the commercial, professional and cultural community with tools and actions to rebound businesses in a healthy and safe environment.
Please join the join the conversation and action. We need your ideas, knowledge and active participation in this campaign. If you are interested in working on any of our initiatives or would like a yeard sign or poster please use this link to <email us>.
ANew Year ti Excel
SEPT 30, 2021
PRESENTERS: Zone 4 APD Officers, Crime Prevention Inspectors, and Beltline Path Force Officer
TOPIC: Coffee With a Cop
In Person Location- The Overlook
1030 White Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30310
Stop by between 9 -11AM have coffee and donuts on us, meet with Zone 4 APD and Atlanta Beltline to kick off our NEW BUSINESS WATCH PROGRAM.
• No agenda – Come and go based on your schedule
• Meet and greet Zone 4 APD and APD CP (Crime Prevention) officers and inspectors
• Get answers to questions
• Marks the launch of the NEW WE BUSINESS WATCH PROGRAM
• Have coffee and donuts on us
• Masks and COVID safety protocols will apply
ACTION: WEMC placed WESTand 2 END COVID and Crime yardsigns around the WestEnd businesses and neighborhood districts, visited business, and joined the West End Neighborhood Development (WEND) to pick up trash and debris. Zone 4 APD Officers and inspectors visited businesses to pass out flyers for Coffee With a Cop event in Sept.
JUNE 24, 2021
SPEAKER: Officer Tillman
TOPIC: Who’s Watching Your Business When You Aren’t?
The Crime Prevention Unit focuses on educating through proactive measures which are Deter, Detect and Delay. To create deterrence, the Inspectors suggest installing devices, signage, or structures which deter crime from happening. To create detection, the Inspectors look at where the crime happens and to create delay for the individual to give up the Inspectors suggest boundaries for preventing the crime from occurring. Also, the Unit offer, the following services:
•Safety and Awareness Presentations (Atlanta Housing Authority and Habitat for Humanity)
•Safety and Security Assessments (Residential and Commercial)
•Coffee with a Cop
•Neighborhood Watch Program
•Business Watch Program
•Welfare Check
•Apartment Managers Meeting
•Partnerships (Council on Aging and Meals on Wheels).
JUNE 22, 2021
SPEAKER: Captain Jeffery
Assistant Zone Commander, Zone 4
TOPIC: What Crime in the West End Looks Like
Stats and More
JUNE 17, 2021
SPEAKER: Theresa R. Jacobs, M.D., FAAFP
Chief Medical Director | Georgia Family Planning System (GFPS)
The Family Health Centers of Georgia, Inc. (FHCGA TOPIC: The Science Behind the Medicine
JUNE 10, 2021
SPEAKER: Theresa R. Jacobs, M.D., FAAFP
Chief Medical Director | Georgia Family Planning System (GFPS)
The Family Health Centers of Georgia, Inc. (FHCGA)
TOPIC: What it is, what it isn't,. What's Really Going on With COVID-19 Vaccinations???
JUNE 3, 2021
Family Health Centers of Georgia
York Street in the West End
Morehouse School of Medicine
Morehouse Health Center
455 Lee Street SW
Atlanta, GA 30310
APRIL 29, 2021
SEAKER: Shirley Langley
TOPIC: 2020 Business Taxes Are You Ready?
What's new in preparing your tax 2020 returns
What you can, cannot, and should not do In Preparing Your Tax 2020 Returns
How the following new policies may or may not affect you
- The standard deduction increased due fo inflation.
- Changes to retirement savings rules and limits.
- Mortgage insurance premiums are still deductible
- Changes to educational tax breaks
- Energy-related tax credits are still available.
- Higher income limits for the pass-through deduction.
- Expanded deductions for charitable contributions
- Reconcile stimulus payments on 2020 tax returns.
- New tax relief for self-employed workers
Depending on how your business is structured, your business tax-filing deadline for the 2020 tax year is either March 15, 2021 or May 17, 2021. Looking for more specifics? Here’s a full list of tax deadlines:
MARCH 18, 2021
SPEAKER: Terri Denison
District Director, SBA Georgia District Office
TOPIC: Know The Facts About the Current Round of PPP
Session focused on the current round of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), including recent change for loan amount calculation for Schedule C filers. These changes were designed to enable sole proprietors, self-employed, and independent contractors to calculate a larger loan amount.
THE SBA offered PPP loans until March 31, 2021. President Biden announced program changes* to make access to PPP loans more equitable.
Other COVID-19 business assistance for discussion.
1. Find a lender: Get matched with a lender* Search for lenders in your area*
2. Identify a PPP loan loan type: First Draw PPP Loans:* If you have not received a PPP loan before, First Draw PPP Loans are available to you. Second Draw PPP Loans:* If you have previously received a PPP loan, certain businesses are eligible for a Second Draw PPP Loan.
2021 A Year of Rejuvenation
2020 was a year of loss, fear, unrest, and unease. Each day often opened with uncertainty and a sense of helplessness.
2020 A Year of Reflection
2020 was a year of loss, fear, unreast, and unease. Each day often opened with Unvertainty. The West End Merchants Coalition helped to keep bussinesses informed and prepared through our Business Alert notifications and our Minding Your Business sessions.
Prior to the pandemic when we were able to meet in person...whether is a Lunch 'n Learn worshop, breakfast meeting or a networking social there is always an opportunity for growth and development for you and your business. JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST and PAY YOUR DUES Today.
THE BUSINESS BEAT / Breakfast Brew
7:30 am Elexis Properties, 1107 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd
Topic: Updates on Business Tax Laws; Be Ready / Be Right
Shirley Langley worked for the Internal Revenue Service for 10 years before opening her firm, the Office of Shirley Langley, CPA. Since starting her practice, she has successfully increased services which include, but is not limited to, financial statement preparation, income tax preparation, consultation and representation before the Internal Revenue Service and other taxing authorities, budgeting/business consulting and payroll processing.
Learn About the Langley Firm>
BUSINESS AFTER HOURS / Informational and Networking Session
Donray Von, and Ryan Gravel, Elevator City Partners The Mall West End Developers.
Leo Wiener and Leo Ziegler, Ackerman & Company, Lee+White Street Developer's
Topic: Project Updates
The West End business district has been tapped with significant development projects that are probably just the beginning our area's growth. Although we may be excited about the interest shown and possibilities imagined we must be mindful, creative, and strategically ready to meet both positive and negative impacts that might surface. This update will provide an update on the Mall West End and the Lee+White projects. Time constraints may only permit limited questions so a process will be introduced to capture additional questions and information
Dream Big...Your Neighboors Did it So Can Your!
Lonnie Saboor, Invest Atlanta, Director, Small Business Development
Topic: Project Updates
An Overview of Invest Atlanta's Small Business Loans
A Detailed Overview of Invest Atlanta's Loan Programs and How To Apply
Mr. Saboor will review the inventory of loans available to small businesses (to include Street Vendor Loans) that can be obtained through Invest Atlanta and walk participants through the application process. An opportunity will be provided to ask questions and seek next steps.
Terms are beyond reasonable,
Have low interest rates
Have no application fee until 2021